Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Timmy's First Medical Appt.

I took Timmy to his first appt. and he did very well. He looked scared and whimpered some, but he cooperated with every task the doctor asked of him. It helped that she was very gentle with him. We have a great doctor (thanks, Sheri for the recommendation). Once the doctor finished her exam and I was able to dress him, he started laughing and fooling around. He said, "Bye bye" to her before she left.

This will be the first of many upcoming appts. Timmy was born with Spina Bifida; which explains why he became an orphan in a country that keeps healthy, male infants. We are thankful that despite his special needs he is able to run, play around with his brother, and participate like other children. So, how does his condition affect him? He has some nerve damage which affects his control of bowel and bladder muscles. He also has some coordination issues that make him topple over more quickly.

We have a referral to take him to either the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia or Dupont in Delaware. We will call and see which place will see him the soonest. We want to make sure we give him every medical advantage available.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Linda! I don't know if you know this, but I work in Early Intervention, so if you have any questions about seeing if he qualifies for services (such as physical therapy), let me know--I'd be happy to help you out! We had Noemi evaluated shortly after she came home and they were super helpful in giving me ideas of things to do with her at home.

    He's a cutie, all right!
