Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 1 - Part Two

This day deserves two posts. As it goes with adoption – there are ups and downs. We went from a great first meeting to a tough day. Timmy has been sick with a 102.9 degree temperature, and he threw up all over me and himself during a meeting. The CCAI representatives went with me to the hotel clinic and later picked up prescription drugs. They want him to take them to prevent him from getting any worse before traveling. Right now he is sleeping, so I am hoping that after a full night’s sleep we are both feeling better.

The travel group has been great. There is a small group of us that helps each other out. They have stepped in to provide medicine, food, and lots of moral support during this first day. I really appreciate their help and friendship.


  1. Linda,
    From the looks of the pictures your journey, athough,having some sadness, will bring joy to everyone. I know you are sad to take Timmy from what he knows but you, Jim and Jake will give Timmy so much love and someone to call family. God brought you to Timmy and he is a very lucky little boy. I really am so happy for you.

  2. Dear Linda,
    What wonderful pics and how well God has provided grace/medical/morale support for you and Timmy in this transition time. Continuing prayers daily with others in what seems like Shangri-La. Much love.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Linda-2,
    It's just occurred to me that you and Timmy and both your first meeting and the initiation by barf rite on the same day. You guys are ahead of the curve already! Love you XOXO

  5. Dear Linda-3, Seriously I hope the medicine has helped and that Timmy feels better. XOXO
