Monday, December 13, 2010

My school has collected over 300 bibs for orphanages in Timmy's area. A website for orphans in the Henan Province listed bibs as one of their areas of need. I put the request out to the students and families and they have responded generously. These bibs will be packed into my luggage and carried over to needy children in orphanages; like the one Timmy spent time in. This project helps us feel closer to him. We also received two new pictures which I'll post soon.
Meanwhile, Jake is getting very excited about Christmas. He opens a new section of his advent calendar each day and promptly gives the chocolate to his Ababa. We share that in common - dislike for chocolate. :) I am looking forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with him and our families.


  1. What a great idea to help you feel more connected to the bib tree! Merry merry to you guys!

  2. You and that kid just ain't right (re: dislike of chocolate)! ;-) That bib tree is a great idea. Merry Christmas! ~Kate L.
