Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Brother!

A little boy will join our family from China within the next 5 months. He is 2 1/2 years old and very cute. Jake helped to pick his name; Timothy "Timmy" Dwight. We are excited! As soon as they release us to, I will post some pictures of him.
This process was soooo different from our referral for Jake. About a month ago we opened our China process up to some medical needs. We knew that there were many boys waiting to be adopted because most people request girls. These boys would have been abandoned because of their health needs. We began to rethink our family to consider 2 boys.
After submitting our medical checklist, we completed another home study and sent off our paperwork for Immigration. This was to take about 2 months, and we had to wait for this before getting a referral. Then, I received an e-mail saying that we didn't have to wait. We could learn about our child now. So, we began to seriously consider the children whose profiles were posted on our agency's website. This is where we found Dang Zhi Gu (Timothy Dwight). How strange it is to "select" a child for your family. What would make us pick one child over another? The process is never easy.
We feel confident that this boy is our child. His picture smiles to us from places around our house as we prepare ourselves and Jake for another family member. I will probably travel to China myself or with my brother. Being away from Jim and Jake for the 14-16 days will be tough, but the outcome will be an enriched family of 4! :)


  1. What wonderful news!! We will be praying for your family, and for you as you prepare Jake for your absence. That is one thing that stresses me about our next adoption. We will also be praying for Timmy. How sweet that Jake helped pick the name.

  2. Congratulations! My son was a waiting child in Ethiopia but I assure you I didn't get to pick him. We are a match in every way from our bad teeth, bad eyes and distinct sense of humor(which he already was showing before I met him). Our children are sent to us and there is no "picking" any of them. He is mine. I am his. You and your new son were a match made in heaven. Not a computer screen.

  3. WOW!!! I had no idea. How exciting!!! Congrats

  4. Congratulations! What wonderful news!!! Wishing you a short wait to travel.
