Monday, June 14, 2010

A Busy Weekend

Jake enjoyed a busy weekend. On Saturday we joined 3 other adoptive families at Daniel's Den. The children played around on the playset and then we shared a picnic lunch. Malachi and Jake played with the sand. There were five children from Ethiopia. At one point, I went into the sandbox to tell Jacob about lunch. A little boy said, "I didn't know that you were his mommy. I thought you would have a face like his." I smiled at this little boy's recognition of our different skin colors, and I assured him that I was Jacob's mommy.
The next day we traveled to Aunt Laura's house where he played for hours on the trampoline with his cousins. He is pictured with four of his cousins, Joshua, Kaitlin, Abby and Jonathan. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day. And, even though Jake was tired, he was well behaved. He fell asleep on the car ride home and slept the rest of the night.


  1. We had such a great time--let's do it again soon!

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